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Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc.

100 Years

Founded As The Lancaster County Dog Protective Association In 1920 





Looking for a breeder?


The LKC Breeder Referral line is only for information on AKC recognized breeds. Requests for ‘designer’ or other mixed breeds cannot be replied to as they are not recognized. If you have any question on your breed’s standing please use this link to the AKC.


Email our Breeders Referral Service

We'll be happy to assist.



Dog enthusiasts, pet stores, puppy mills. It's all so confusing but we can explain.
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Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc.


We are a dedicated group of pure-bred dog lovers in the greater Lancaster area. Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc., LKC, is a not-for-profit all-breed club consisting of owners, breeders, and exhibitors of all breeds of pure-bred dogs. Originally organized as the Lancaster County Dog Protective Association in 1921 to promote canine education for the community of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, LKC has served dog lovers for over 100 years. Incorporation as Lancaster Kennel Club occurred in 1945.


Lancaster Kennel Club has awarded over $100,000.00 in Scholarships to Veterinary and Veterinary Technician Students attending Institutions such as University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech School of Veterinary Medicine, and Harcum Junior College to name a few.


Latest News: News is updated frequently. Bookmark us and stop by often!

Red Rose Classic All Breed Dog Show and Rally Trials Premium Now Available on the Jim Rau Dog Shows Website

The Premium for the Red Rose All Breed Dog Show and Rally Trial is now available on the Jim Rau Dog Shows website. The Red Rose Classic is held at the Lebanon Expo Center and is scheduled for May 10, 2025. All details are in the premium which can be accessed here . The Premium closes on April 23 at Noon.

2025 LKC Calendar of Events

Please visit our Calendar Page to view LKC's Schedule of Events for 2025. General Membership meetings in February, April, August, and October are open to the public. To view, Click here

Thank You To Lebanon County Commissioners Hotel Tax Grant Fund For Being The Major Sponsor Of The LKC Annual Agility Trials

The Hotel Tax Grant Fund is administered by the Lebanon County Commissioners. Grants are awarded to organizations that bring visitors to Lebanon County. Thank you to the Commissioners for awarding us a major grant to help fund our trials at "in the Net" on Palmyra on September 28 and 29, 2024.

Lancaster Kennel Club's Fast CAT Trials In Lampeter - Photos From The Event Available On Our Facebook Page

Stop by our Facebook Page to view photos from our 3 day Fast CAT Trial that took place June 28 - 30. Click here

LKC Supports The Lancaster County Sheriff's Department K-9 Department

LKC members and their dogs attended the Annual Lancaster County Sheriff's Department K-9 Department Motorcycle Ride on June 9. Those attending had the opportunity to talk to members about their breeds and meet and greet them up close and personal. In addition, members also donated $300 to support the Department's K-9 operation. Photos of the event can be seen on our Facebook page here

Thank You To Lebanon County Commissioners Hotel Tax Grant Fund For Being The Major Sponsor Of The Red Rose Classic All Breed Show And Rally Trial

The Hotel Tax Grant Fund is administered by the Lebanon County Commissioners. Grants are awarded to organizations that bring visitors to Lebanon County. Thank you to the Commissioners for awarding us a major grant to help fund our show at the Lebanon Expo Center on May 11, 2024.

New PA Dog Modernization Law Goes Into Effect January 22, 2024

Bill 742, now known as Act 18 of 2023, goes into effect on January 22, 2024. Among the biggest changes are the requirement that all dogs be licensed at the time of purchase, either at 8 weeks (earliest legal date for purchase) or 3 months, whichever comes first. Those selling or offering dogs for adoption must provide a license application at the time of owner change. License fees are increasing as well. To find out more about the new regulations, follow the links below.

  • Current laws in effect on the PA Department of Agricultural website can be found here

  • A summary of the upcoming changes can be found here

LKC's Centennial Club Designation Recognized On

LKC's Recognition as a Centennial Club by AKC was featured in an August 23 online article on Read the article here

LKC Recognized As Centennial Club By AKC

AKC recently recognized LKC as a Centennial Club for being in existence and affiliated with AKC for over 100 years. Originally formed as the Lancaster County Dog Protective Association in 1920, our name changed in 1945 when incorporated as Lancaster Kennel Club. To view some news stories from our early days, please visit our Facebook page here

AKC Canine Related Materials Available For Downloading

The AKC publishes a myriad of brochures, pamphlets, and reproducibles that available for downloading on their website. There are even materials geared for children of all ages. To download, visit here


LKC In The News and Event Photos

The 23rd Annual Red Rose Classic held in 1968 was recently featured in the LNP Sunday News' "Lancaster That Was" May 13 column. See the article and some junior handler photos here

Club Objectives:

  • To further the advancement of all breeds of purebred dogs.

  • To protect and advance the interest of all breeds of purebred dogs and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog show and obedience trials. For an excellent essay on Sportsmanship, see this excellent piece by Gregory Alden Betor , an AKC judge.

  • To conduct sanctioned matches, dog shows and obedience trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club.

General Meeting

Second Wednesday of February, April, August & October unless noted on Calendar Page
6:30 P.M.- Open To The Public
Manheim Township Public Library
Morgan Room B
595 Granite Run Drive
Lancaster, PA 17601



Board Meetings

First Monday of odd numbered months unless noted on Calendar Page
6:30 P.M. - Members Only

Manheim Township Public Library
Morgan Room B
595 Granite Run Road
Lancaster, PA 17601



Please make a note of our postal address —
Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 7511
Lancaster, PA 17604-7511


Contact the Webmaster For All Club Inquiries Email